
Samsung Phone and Watch – Standalone

Currently, right now the two apps are standalone (separate) apps on the Samsung phone and watch. We purposely made it...

Apple Watch no syncing time correctly.

Remember to leave your device unlocked for the Apple Watch integration to work accurately. Navigate to settings and make sure...

I have the 10k Trainer app, but I can’t find a way to sync my progress with MyFitnessPal.

At this time, our partnership with MyFitnessPal is only with our C25K app. But we are working with MFP to...

Do the apps sync with Google Fit?

Unfortunately at this time our apps do not sync with Google Fit.

Sync Fitbit

Currently the c25k app on Fitbit is a standalone app, and cannot be synced with our separate mobile apps.

Is there a way to sync the Galaxy Watch app with my phone app?

The app on the Galaxy watch is a standalone app, so that users can go running without their phone. This...

Help! My Apple Watch is not syncing correctly with my phone during my run!

We recommend using either your phone or your watch during your run and not both because the devices will need...

The App won’t sync to my apple watch after I complete my workout.

Make sure you are syncing the correct app versions on watch and phone. There is a pro and free version...
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